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Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Reflection on EDUC561 Course

educational technology‬‏
Educational Media and Technology course- EDUC561- is a pragmatic course that allows students to practice the material taught by themselves, with the guide of our professional doctor, Dr. Amal Farhat. It's like magic; you enter as a students but you exit as a professional teacher. Google Forms is one important application I've introduces to in this course. It can be used for creating online surveys and quizzes and sharing them to other people. Blogger is another application that I have learnt in this course. It looks like Facebook application but it makes you special. you can customize your own profile, themes, and layouts as labels, followers, and translate. The special gift we have received from this course is Google Drive; our ever-lasting memory. With Google Drive, there's no need to worry about your files; it's safe and secure. Beside all the course material, the most essential lesson can be taught from this course - especially for us as teachers- is respecting deadlines. Thus, time management is first masked lesson that we are learning in this course. Finally, I would thank Dr. Amal Farhat for her time and support building up our future, Education Department, and anyone that contribute to add this course to Teaching Diploma in Education graduate program.


  1. I hope we can benefit from this course as a good teachers

  2. yes you are right!this course is very important to be a skillful teacher.good luck for you :)

  3. Perfectly said...
    This course helps us to be better teachers and creates new and advanced platforms for us to interact.
    Good Luck

  4. That's true, this course is really interesting and helps us be more integrated in the field of technology.

  5. You are right. Technology is the best way to share information with students in a smooth and clear way and it helps them to be more engaged in the learning process.


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